The Influence of Family toward Students' English Development

Family plays important roles in the process of students’ learning. Students have much time in their family and of course will influence their learning process. Every teacher should consider their students conditions. Every student may has different family situation. Family expectations and socioeconomic status play a large role in your students’ English development. Typically, the more education the parents have, the more they will encourage and directly support their children in learning English and doing well in school. Keep in mind, however, that many immigrant parents with limited education are eager for their children to learn English and obtain a good education in hopes of bettering their lives. Learning and literacy are generally linked to the level of education of the parents, but not necessarily to the parents’ current line of work.

Consider this example from Carmen’s teaching experience:
Antonio busses dishes in a restaurant. At a parent conference, it is evident that he values education and is eager for his seventh-grade son to learn English and be successful in school. A bit of polite probing reveals that Antonio graduated from a post-secondary technological institute in Mexico and taught electronics before he and his family came to the United States. Eusebio’s lack of English is one factor that contributes to his current job, as well as to his frustration at not finding employment more appropriate for his level of education.

We know of many instances in which parents have achieved significant levels of education in their home countries but are unable to find appropriate work in the United States, so they are forced to accept any type of employment. Assume that your students’ parents are eager for them to learn English and do well in school, and that they may or may not demonstrate this support in ways that are immediately obvious to you.

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