Language is Intertwined with Culture.

This posting is a continuation of my previous posting about the eight elements of language. One of the element of language is “it is intertwined with culture”. Discussing the link between language and culture with university students and inviting them to share personal experiences calls forward many amusing stories of what can happen when there is a is connect between the two. Knowing a language does not necessarily mean that one can navigate one’s way in the culture of that language. For example, perhaps your American students have slumber parties or sleepovers. In the United States, this is a common way for children to “hang out” at a friend’s house and have fun into the evening and often beyond. For people of other cultures, this may be a bizarre and uncomfortable concept—allowing one’s children to sleep in the home of another person. So not only does the phrase “slumber party” require an explanation, it also requires becoming familiar with a common North American concept that is an integral part of the culture.
This information is very useful for a teacher, especially English teacher. You will find it necessary to not only teach English, but to sometimes also help students navigate cultural differences as they become acclimated to new linguistic meanings and cultural traditions or events.

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